Production and develpment

Repsol produces about 25,000 barrels of oil equivalents per day from fields in the Norwegian shelf. 

In Norway, Repsol operates the Blane, Gyda, Rev and Yme fields. We also hold interests in a number of non-operated fields with associated production facilities and intrafield pipelines including Gudrun, Veslefrikk, Visund, Mikkel, Huldra and Tambar East.




Yme is a brownfield development, involving both the re-use of existing facilities and infrastructure and design and construction of new facilities. Repsol achieved first oil in October 2021 on the Yme field in the Egersund Basin, approximately 130 km from the Norwegian coastline. Yme is one of the key upstream projects that Repsol is focusing on within the framework of the company’s 2021–2025 Strategic Plan.



The Gyda field was proven in 1980 and developed by the use of an integrated steel platform at a depth of 66 meters. The oil was transported by pipeline to Teesside via Ekofisk. The gas was piped to the Ekofisk complex and on to Emden.

In June 2017 the Norwegian authorities approved the decommission plan for the Gyda field. The decommission scope includes permanent plugging of 32 wells on the field, removal of platform and undercarriage, as well as removal of installations on the seabed. All Gyda installations should be removed by 2023.

In October 2021 the Gyda P&A work was finalised and on Saturday 27 November we turned off the lights and marked the end of habitation on Gyda. In May, the Gyda topsides were lifted and in June Gyda was safely onshore at Aker’s yard in Stord awaiting its final demolition. In July, the jacket was lifted by Pioneering Spirit which was the heaviest jacket lift in history (11.600 tm).

Operator: Repsol Norge AS; Production start-up: 21 june 1990; Cease of Production: 29 february 2020; Licensees: Repsol Norge AS: 61%, PGNiG Upstream Norway AS: 39%



Blane is developed with a subsea facility, which is tied back to the Ula field. The subsea installation is situated on the British Continental Shelf. The ocean depth at the site is around 70 meters.


  • Repsol Norge AS

Licensees in Blane Unit:

  • Repsol Norge AS: 18%
  • Bridge Petroleum UK Ltd: 25% 
  • DNO UK: 43,5%
  • Dana Petroleum:12,5%
  • DNO North Sea: 1.0%


Rev was discovered in February 2001 and commenced production in January 2009. The three wells are situated on the NCS, 84 m water depth, and a buried production pipeline carries the gas and condensate to the Armada platform on the UKCS for processing. Rev currently produces periodically with about 8-10 cycles each year.


  • Repsol Norge AS

Production start-up:

  • 2009


  • Repsol Norge AS70%
  • Petoro AS 30%

On 16th April 2018 the Rev UKCS decommissioning programme was approved by the Secretary of State. A Copy of this document along with the EIA and Comparative assessment can be found below and also on OPRED website, see link.




Gudrun is developed with a traditional steel platform resting on the seabed. The platform have capacity for partial treatment of oil and gas, before the hydrocarbons are sent via pipeline to Sleipner.

Oil and gas is transported from the Gudrun field to the Sleipner A platform. The gas is transported onward to the gas markets from Sleipner A. The oil is routed together with the Sleipner condensate to Kårstø for shipping.

Gudrun was first proven in 1975.


  • Repsol Norge AS 15%
  • Equinor Energy AS (op) 36%
  • Neptune Energy Norge AS 25%
  • OMV (Norge) AS 24%


Visund is an oil and gas field in blocks 34/8 and 34/7, 22 kilometres north-east of the Gullfaks field in the Tampen area of the Norwegian North Sea.

It came on stream in the spring of 1999, this development embraces a floating production, drilling and quarters platform.

The subsea-completed wells on the field are tied back to the floater with flexible risers. Oil is piped to Gullfaks for storage and export. The Visund field began producing gas and exporting it to continental Europe on 7 October 2005.


  • Repsol Norge AS 7,7%
  • Equinor Energy AS (op) 53,2%
  • Petoro AS 30%
  • ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS 9,1%


The Veslefrikk field was proven in 1981 and has been developed with a well-head platform (Veslefrikk A) resting on the seabed, and a semi-subersible platform with a processing facility and accomodation quarters (Veslefrikk B). The ocean depths at the installations are 175 meters.


  • Equinor Petroleum AS

Production start-up:

  • 26 december 1989


  • Petoro AS 37%
  • Repsol Norge AS 27%
  • Equinor Petroleum AS 18%
  • RWE Dea Norge AS 13.5%
  • Wintershall Norge ASA 4.5%

In February 2022, production came to an end on Veslefrikk. More than 32 years had passed since the field came on stream. The Veslefrikk A and B facilities must be removed by end of 2027. 



Mikkel lies 35 kilometres south of the Midgard deposit on Equinor’s Åsgard field in the Norwegian Sea. It has been developed with a subsea production facility tied back to the seabed installations on Midgard, which in turn form part of the Åsgard development.

The Mikkel system comprises two subsea templates with a total of three production wells.

The condensate will go in existing flowlines to the Åsgard C storage ship for export, while gas is piped through the Åsgard Transport trunkline to the Kårstø complex north of Stavanger.

Mikkel has been producing gas and condensate (light oil) since 1 August 2003.


  • Repsol Norge AS 7,65%
  • Vår Energi AS 48,38%
  • Equinor Energy AS (op) 43.97%

Repsol activity

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Local contact

Grethe Elise Foldnes

Manager External Affairs 

Mob: + 47 992 30 931 
